PINWY, PVPME, SK0L, MDP, C4T, CAF3, LAT, Catbe, EONE, Coffe, TGW, solo royal, Iberia Knights, B E R S E K, YUKA SQUAD, Redness Crusaders, Risen From Ashes, alucar black tercero, OTP gvng, Berserklon
C4T, 4RICE, LAT, Lao6, EONE, CAF3, 30O, UnFra, TBB, LCL, RAPPY, BU11, EL GREMIOO, HDC haitianos de corazon, Legion Sombra, B E R S E K, Almas de la Fortuna, PREDAD0R, abyssal tail, PingA-Local, RESTABLECION OFF, solo royal
IKCI, LAT, UnFra, TBB, LCL, CAF3, EONE, GOIN, C4T, ST4RK, EL GREMIOO, B E R S E K, HDC haitianos de corazon, PingA-Local, abyssal tail, FORD FK, solo royal, asesinos de la luna, GuayaKillers
C4T, LAT, Lao6, GUGUS, CAF3, LCL, EONE, GOIN, UnFra, Wahda, CULUM, B E R S E K, HDC haitianos de corazon, Legion Mercante, DOTA - Defense Of The Ancients, abyssal tail, Black Caerleon
30O, Frodo, S0M0S, MILFF, GAFES, Glass, UNF, TAAE, MAYB, AFK41, RER, FDA, ERREI, CAZA GANKER, Rebels of Blood, B E R S E K, Last Dead, FARMEO DEL BUENO, TURKISH ARMYS, G0LDEN C0MPANY, caballeros oscuros II, Vil Humanidad Civiles
30O, SM0L, Frodo, RER, Glass, LAT, EONE, No1, BAIT, IV, T4M, C4T, R0YAL, Coffe, Sabah, D33P, arcane company CN, Sith Lords 66, Rebels of Blood, Last Dead, B E R S E K, FARMEO DEL BUENO, Delta Ozaukee, CAOS MOON, PRlMATAS, Pangeas Guild, Ciervos Negros, os_indomaveis
PEOR, TKTZ, LCL, Dricf, WW300, LAT, H3rois da Tret4, Epic Hobos, The Silent Strike, Wanderiing-Souls, Wind Night, Legion Sombra, Pasteliyoszz, The CT, alucar black tercero, B E R S E K, abyssal tail