BLAZT, BOBER, Bobby, nRage, CSM, SiS, RER, MOR, JATO, KEF, BAKE, THE LAST MONKEYS, JFures, Reverse Engage, M E U D E U S, Order of the Red Cloak, MATARYS 25 10 2.5m
SUNAT, WINTR, BOBER, CSM, LAT, RER, Order of the Red Cloak, Reverse Engage, Los Memoriosos 21 7 543.2k
BCW, SNR, MlAU, WINTR, BOBER, LMTM, Ciervos Negros, Reverse Engage, sangre araucana, No Kill No Loot 19 7 604.3k
SUNAT, CAF3, LAT, RER, WINTR, BOBER, LMTM, CSM, Reverse Engage, Los Memoriosos, sangre araucana, Order of the Red Cloak 18 4 297.1k
BCW, nRage, BOBER, LMTM, SiS, CSM, Master Mind, sangre araucana, M E U D E U S, Reverse Engage, Los Memoriosos, look ahead 28 5 572.3k
IV, BOBER, TwoC, CSM, nRage, ATE, AZULE, WINTR, ULTI, MULTA, CHOR0, MILFF, SiS, N4EU, RER, 4RICE, NOTCH, AZUR, PLANO, STOMP, 4cm, sangre araucana, Reverse Engage, Los Memoriosos, Lethal Warri0rs, TheLegionnaires, Deficit Vitaminico 68 28 3.6m
4cm, IV, MULTA, TwoC, BOBER, ATE, CSM, N4EU, NOTCH, RER, 4RICE, nRage, AZULE, CHOR0, MILFF, SiS, WINTR, Los Memoriosos, Deficit Vitaminico, sangre araucana, Reverse Engage, Lethal Warri0rs 59 13 1.9m
nRage, ATE, MULTA, BOBER, CSM, SiS, CHOR0, MILFF, N4EU, AZULE, B4R, Los Memoriosos, Lethal Warri0rs, sangre araucana, Reverse Engage, AESTHETIIC, TROPA DO LAZER 20 4 308.0k
BOBER, LMTM, 13BN, nRage, N4EU, ATE, RER, CHOR0, D33P, ANRKY, 4cm, Reverse Engage, sangre araucana, Liga de Legendas, Los Memoriosos, PIxulinTeam, The Pussy Destroying Elves 24 6 679.5k
CSM, B4R, SKT1, Reverse Engage, Sine Ira 15 10 1.1m