R1NG, TKTZ, ROAK, MAYB, TF1, ViSS, GDAVA, TACA, HAC, ADOLF, MRAK, FAK3, 1224, MLock, TaLod, HOGs, QAN, CLTs, IV, TAZO, EUFONIA, ESPARTANOS9999, CLAP CREW, CaballerosDelaRuina, Small Punch, diablo muerto, D - GHOSTS, Anti Hype Rus, Nascentia, DISCIPULOS DE LA PARCA, Manuel y Luisa, The Bad Boy Mexas, SKY- C r i m i n a l s, The Caidos
ViSS, IV, TUTIO, HAC, TF1, MAYB, GDAVA, Manuel y Luisa, CaballerosDelaRuina, DISCIPULOS DE LA PARCA, Life is game, SKY- C r i m i n a l s, ESPARTANOS9999, Anti Hype Rus, Small Punch, CLAP CREW, EUFONIA
ViSS, HAC, TF1, MAYB, CaballerosDelaRuina, DISCIPULOS DE LA PARCA, EUFONIA, Life is game, SKY- C r i m i n a l s, ESPARTANOS9999, Small Punch, CLAP CREW, Manuel y Luisa, diablo muerto, PATRULHA