ALPH4, C4T, SEND, FTAF, AlNZ, LPS, POEPE, STACK, S K I P, AURA WAR CL, Infierno Supremo, Blassphemia, Sauced in Silver, S O U L H U N T E R, DESERT EMPIRE, B E H I N D, OS IRMAOS METRALHA BR, RROMPECRANEOS, casperblack
C4T, LAT, ALPH4, Lao6, LECHE, SiS, SAX, SEND, K1NGG, AlNZ, Coffe, RROMPECRANEOS, S w e e t B l o o d, la ayuda de la mano negra, NukeTown, Fangs of Destiny, LegiondeNoobs
C4T, K1NGG, AlNZ, DIQU, IV, SHELB, BBP, SEND, SiS, SAX, FORK, Coffe, ALPH4, AFON, Lao6, S w e e t B l o o d, FORD FK, HOPLITA, RROMPECRANEOS, OS AGENTES BR, la ayuda de la mano negra
C4T, Lao6, LAT2, DVD, 0709, LAT, The Marias, BloodyBunnyBrigade, RROMPECRANEOS, ESPARTANOS 300, Last Dead, alucar black tercero, Immortal Dragoons, PUN1SHMENT
iLOOT, S0M0S, SNR, FLOCK, PINWY, AFON, BAIT, Catbe, Lao6, C4T, AlNZ, M0ckingjay, CHIQUEIRINHO AVALONIANO, RROMPECRANEOS, ESPARTANOS 300, Alados - Br, Obsidian Stags, R A N D O N S, Durateston