| SEND, HOGs, TRIY, R1NG, H0Gz, LVUP, MAYB, HOGsz, UMBRELLA-CORPORATION, The ReChuChamBoyS, Misspelled Smiles, Mystic Meese | 298 | 117 | 74.3m |
| SEND, 2VS1O, HAC, TeamSuicide, Down To Fight, TOKYO MANJ1 | 152 | 38 | 19.9m |
| N0DE, SEND | 51 | 4 | 1.3m |
| POEPE, SEND, CHEF, HOGsz, NU5, CARTL, H-A-L-O | 245 | 240 | 145.9m |
| SEND, HOGs, R1NG, M0NKY, We Roaming | 158 | 56 | 14.7m |
| M0NKY, MAYB, H0Gz, PONJA, SAPA, TKTZ, SEND, HOGs, Fentanilo, Hokkuten, S A I N T | 205 | 125 | 70.8m |
| SEND, N0DE, x1, FONES, R1NG, WEET | 20 | 10 | 1.2m |
| SEND, N0DE, x1, FONES, LEMU, AZUR, Yemen, CHIFA, Arena Gankers | 20 | 11 | 2.2m |
| N0DE, SEND, AINE, CAPY, FONES, Milfs in your area, PeruCore, Shake It Bololo, Safe H0us3, quenrador de ruim, Paura | 20 | 15 | 4.6m |
| SEND, FONES, N0DE, AINE, CAPY, quenrador de ruim, Shake It Bololo, Paura, Safe H0us3, Milfs in your area, PeruCore | 20 | 11 | 1.1m |
| LEMU, SEND, AZUR, TREU, TREU2, POEPE, N0DE, Arena Gankers, Milfs in your area, PeruCore, Praetorian Army, Los Cizanieros, RMT C0MP4NY | 20 | 12 | 1.3m |
| BBPE, N0DE, SEND, CAPY, PeruCore, Praetorian Army, Vai ganhar Sempre, Shake It Bololo, Safe H0us3 | 19 | 10 | 1.8m |
| SEND, N0DE, BBPE, CAPY, FONES, Milfs in your area, PeruCore, Praetorian Army, Vai ganhar Sempre, Shake It Bololo, Safe H0us3 | 20 | 12 | 1.9m |
| SEND, N0DE, BBPE, CAPY, mdsaijdasifkial, Vai ganhar Sempre, Shake It Bololo, Safe H0us3, Ahlawy, PeruCore, Praetorian Army, Milfs in your area | 20 | 12 | 1.2m |
| N0DE, SEND, BBPE, CAPY, Milfs in your area, Ahlawy, PeruCore, Praetorian Army, mdsaijdasifkial, Vai ganhar Sempre, Shake It Bololo, Safe H0us3 | 20 | 11 | 2.2m |
| SEND, N0DE, BBPE, CAPY, mdsaijdasifkial, Vai ganhar Sempre, Shake It Bololo, Safe H0us3, Milfs in your area, Ahlawy, PeruCore, Praetorian Army | 20 | 12 | 1.6m |
| N0DE, POEPE, SEND, BBPE, CAPY, LEMU, AlNZ, TREU, TREU2, Milfs in your area, Ahlawy, Arbyz bydesh7, GANGFOO | 20 | 11 | 970.6k |
| LEMU, SEND, TREU, TREU2, N0DE, BBPE, AlNZ, CAPY, POEPE, GANGFOO, Arbyz bydesh7, Milfs in your area, Ahlawy | 20 | 13 | 2.2m |
| N0DE, POEPE, SEND, BBPE, CAPY, LEMU, AlNZ, TREU2, Milfs in your area, Ahlawy, Arbyz bydesh7 | 20 | 11 | 972.3k |
| N0DE, POEPE, SEND, BBPE, CAPY, LEMU, TREU2, Milfs in your area, Ahlawy, Arbyz bydesh7 | 20 | 11 | 896.4k |