SUR13, blank-1 10 3 371.2k
Coffe, PONJA, PCD, ST4RK, blank-1, Dolinhos Furiosos, Golden Ally, Breaking Rules 11 3 62.4k
Coffe, LOS CALABRESOS, La Espada Del Mal, blank-1 10 7 665.3k
WlNTR, Coffe, D O K K A E B I, blank-1 12 7 614.6k
ST4RK, ALPH4, BCW, HYC, PAIS, W1P3, Hntai, GUNJI, HARAK, NUDE, F O R R E S T E R, INFINITY_BR, Liga de Legendas, blank-1 22 5 125.7k
PRTOR, R44, ALF, BURR0, G0ATS, EVER, TK Reiders, La Aldea De Las Nieblas, KoTuku Myp Myp, Republica da Creponia, JAMAICA, y0u dingus, blank-1 36 4 288.3k
BLAZT, XYXX, TREU, Os Cabeleiras, blank-1 14 5 251.9k
WINTR, DDLT, D33P, PTE, ARCH, Nakties Vaikai, The Wolfs Of Thetfort, SPAZZ, A N T A R E S, Foxter, Honey Fingers, blank-1, Last Dead, La Aldea De Las Nieblas, R E V O A D A 3 20 4 104.4k