G0ATS, NOFS, HAC, 420k, D0WN, 13BN, Unifo, AFON, GOIN, KingD, R3MAST3RED, Valhalla Kingdom, GUARDIANES DEL ABISMO, Petes Al Poder, EL AVERN0, B L A C K M I R R O R S, We Profit, Winter Raven, Rapi_Fast, RLSD-DENCH, Hail Thyself, Leguion sombria, SUSTANCIA, xX Kings Rest Xx, INSOLENTES BR
LE4L, G0ATS, TOUGH, 13BN, KingD, NOFS, D33P, Lisa, R1SE, LEMU, IDEN, ESTA, R3MAST3RED, PERRYS, Katteggat, The Originalls, CANG, Petes Al Poder, Flying Psychedelic Painters, Villa 11-14, UN MUNDO DE PAZ, BlackRuhs, W4rr1ors until the end, LOS CALABRESOS, Disband is Now
G0ATS, HOGs, BAIT, 13BN, 420k, Petes Al Poder, TEAM Of DEATH, Age OF Empire, W4rr1ors until the end, INSOLENTES BR, The Comedians, Los Nueve DRAGONES, Los Watonikos