| DCK, NME, HAHAH, PTOW, REYE5, Latinos-Infiltrados, N0bless3, TheRevenants, No Hay Banda, Nightmare Tribe, Nailliw | 13 | 10 | 691.7k |
| C40S, MAYBR, Ashen, PTOW, ASFE, ST4RK, EOTM, MDT, IGNIZ, WxW, TISM, CHATZ, R3G, KARM4, LAZO, 2XOC, ZEIT, GRONE, ARCH, STAF, PRES5, HotL, XVII, DISA, NME, Simio, AMONG, LETAL, ADOLF, SWRM, MAYBB, Socio, Liga de Legendas, the frustrated, Paladins of Blyn Brae, Caballeros Gelidos, Lux et Umbra, Deutschlandd, Aesirs, LA_COMUNIDAD_DEL_ANILLO, Tempesthydra, Latinos-Infiltrados, N0bless3, CASTAMERE, CALOTE CLT, Nightmare Tribe, Celestia Order, The-_New_-Order, RUINAS, Patolicos Anonimos, I Nimbus I | 105 | 46 | 4.4m |