RER, ALPH4, C4T, SxS, MusK, Shhh, TOKYO MANJ1, Legion_Oscura, GHOSTS OF MAP 37 18 633.8k
TISM, P4ND4, Legion_Oscura 17 3 143.5k
IKCI, SUNAT, HAC, Companhia Pele Ferrea, GHOSTS OF MAP, Game Development Department, MENINOS MAUS, Legion_Oscura 20 5 205.2k
Tempus Veritas, Legion_Oscura 12 3 72.1k
AINE, RNKOR, FIERO, MusK, PTC, BR0KE, Tempus Veritas, Legion_Oscura, Golden White 21 12 179.8k
AFON, MATO, AlNZ, CSM, C4T, ALPH4, Shhh, HAC, RER, MRTA, C T M, MENINOS MAUS, VESUVlUS, GRRENWOOD, R Y E A M, S F C O, DRAGON INFINIT, Shadowclaws, V I C T O R Y E, The fenixFH, Legion_Oscura, Credo dos Assassinos 60 71 1.2m
ALPH4, PVPro, C4T, SYJ, Aniquiladores s, Mafia_Azteca, CombatWombat, Legion_Oscura 14 10 191.9k
C4T, PVPro, R3MAST3RED, Sandrift prairie, Legion Sombra, Mafia_Azteca, Legion_Oscura 11 4 47.1k
C4T, AINE, Shhh, TGW, ALPH4, Los guapos de Jhon, los Netos del Gozo, Relaxing with Friends, Legion_Oscura 12 8 110.5k
Shhh, ALPH4, C4T, AINE, Serelora, los Netos del Gozo, Los guapos de Jhon, Legion_Oscura 13 6 138.6k
AINE, TGW, BACKY, Shhh, C4T, ALPH4, ABA, Relaxing with Friends, Legion_Oscura 17 19 650.6k
C4T, ABA, Shhh, AINE, BACKY, HUNTER-x-BR, Legion_Oscura, RROMPECRANEOS 18 16 267.8k
AlNZ, AINE, C4T, Shhh, BACKY, ABA, Altz, Legion_Oscura, HUNTER-x-BR, Stakkars Bakerne, Geralt de Rivia 29 24 1.1m
ALPH4, AlNZ, Altz, C4T, AINE, R1NG, ABA, HOGs, HAC, IV, I Guess What I, Legion_Oscura, Geralt de Rivia, Stakkars Bakerne, HUNTER-x-BR, SKY- C r i m i n a l s 39 28 947.2k
ALPH4, HIKE, MRAK, Shhh, C4T, SN24, TGW, S1 Black Clover, pve people, Legion_Oscura, ESPARTANOS 300, Epic Hobos, CUBAN KING 21 19 386.7k
Shhh, ALPH4, MRAK, SN24, C4T, HAC, Legion_Oscura, S1 Black Clover, pve people, Epic Hobos, Dirty Dagger, CUBAN KING, ESPARTANOS 300, R3MAST3RED, GRRENWOOD 19 5 18.6k
HAC, ALPH4, SN24, MRAK, Shhh, C4T, CUBAN KING, pve people, S1 Black Clover, Epic Hobos, Legion_Oscura, Sword and Fist 16 11 230.4k
C4T, SN24, GDAVA, Shhh, QAN, pve people, S1 Black Clover, LolWip Gankers, Sword and Fist, Dirty Dagger, Legion_Oscura, ESPARTANOS 300, CUBAN KING, SKY- C r i m i n a l s, Green Shield 20 6 72.2k
QAN, C4T, LolWip Gankers, Dirty Dagger, Sword and Fist, CUBAN KING, Legion_Oscura 10 4 87.1k
QAN, PONJA, C4T, ALPH4, GDAVA, LolWip Gankers, Dirty Dagger, Sword and Fist, S1 Black Clover, pve people, Legion_Oscura, POISONBEAST, Green Shield 19 13 196.5k