TKTZ, ACEND, SYJ, ckc allies of all, AssassinsGreed 12 5 753.2k
G1RL, Coffe, RIFF, BLAZT, DYM, BMECT, ckc allies of all, Extraterrestr3s, Os Espalha Lixo, about blank, Los Recolectores t8 19 27 529.3k
KEANE, UPG, B4R, Aries, Gank5, ckc allies of all, valivali, Ghost Galleon 12 7 167.7k
WFZN, Domin, G1RL, susurradores del infinito, ckc allies of all 15 6 100.2k
WFZN, Domin, STRS, G1RL, HARAK, pegelo-joven, ckc allies of all, Reptilian Island, Grimms Dance 17 16 415.6k
NU5, PIK4, DYM, 13BN, EARL, STRS, Os Desmontas, Imperio Galdino, Extraterrestr3s, MINOTAUROS BR, ckc allies of all, POCHO GANKEO EVILL 20 13 211.1k
NU5, PIK4, Gatitos Mimoshos, Os Desmontas, ckc allies of all, The ROUNIN 16 3 46.8k
WFZN, DYM, PIK4, NU5, LEMU, 13BN, eQs, Coffe, Gatitos Mimoshos, Os Desmontas, Extraterrestr3s, ckc allies of all, MINOTAUROS BR, Mythralis, Imperio Galdino, THE REAPERR, H-ToP, 1 RPG 1 34 39 1.1m
BAKE, TKTZ, ckc allies of all, New Londo-Ruins 24 5 150.7k
Domin, PTC, G1RL, IV, HARAK, BHood, MyBad, 1 RPG 1, Kings Abalorianos, Golani Brigade, ckc allies of all, xXolympoXx, B_L_A_C_K, The ROUNIN, Imperio Galdino, WATUSSI 34 42 545.4k
Vnz, RIFF, iLOOT, G1RL, AINE, AURUM, ckc allies of all, The ROUNIN, Rising Wolves, Gato de caza, Extraterrestr3s 34 24 495.2k