OGK, KARM4, CUST, LSMU, Midnight ClubB, SPAIN GANKERS, The Guards Team, Ainz Oal Goan, I Salamander I, Grizzly Bears, fortis bellator 14 10 328.8k
CUST, CHEF, LECHE, DISA, ImpSo, FFU, BMECT, WAIKY, C0C, OGT, HARAK, Raven Greed, Drain Life, Aponia, fortis bellator, XKILLUMINATI 21 15 373.6k
FLOCK, GAP, CUST, C40S, les fr valoir, TOKYO MANJ1, fortis bellator, OSOS AUTISTAS 12 12 155.4k
FLOCK, C0C, OLDS, DHARK, jz, WhyU, les fr valoir, TOKYO MANJ1, Road Scouts, Monkey-Ark, B_L_A_C_K, La Orden del_Fenix, Albion online 2, REINO IMPERIAL, OSOS AUTISTAS, fortis bellator 26 25 755.5k
C0C, LHDA, DHARK, Road Scouts, fortis bellator, STARIY_BLOH, UM CLAP UM SONHO, QUEEN S HEAD 17 10 284.3k
BURR0, VDA, T1AR, fortis bellator 25 6 201.6k
VDA, VME, SOLS, T1AR, LEMUR, BAKE, WAIKY, FTCH, fortis bellator, D e s p r o f i t y 16 8 119.4k
AINE, BAKE, FTCH, SOLS, wecan, VME, smoke420, Mas Respeto, MasterKills, D e s p r o f i t y, Albion online 2, fortis bellator, ASESINOS DEL BOSQUE, The Slayer Of Giants, los caballeros de la sonbra, Inhapim1 31 45 1.6m
WAIKY, LEMUR, OGT, ASF, VDA, fortis bellator, Bl0ody_Wolves, TOKYO MANJ1, xxxBraveHeartxxx 14 9 217.4k
WAIKY, RER, D33P, JARLS, smoke420, E F E, fortis bellator 14 3 102.6k
LIQ, WAIKY, RIFF, ImpSo, 420k, LHDA, La Orden del_Fenix, Corvos de Valhalla, ASESINOS DEL BOSQUE, os megabrutos, fortis bellator 23 36 999.1k
CUST, FDA, VDA, fortis bellator, Garrafuria 10 6 286.1k
Domin, ImpSo, OGT, FASTT, TKTZ, BURRA, FFU, fortis bellator, Folkung, athena saints 15 18 293.2k
LEMUR, OGT, EONE, AVI, RER, ImpSo, fortis bellator, Grizzly Bears, Raha ry, MINOTAUROS BR, xxxOUOxxx 15 14 359.5k
L3MUR, VDA, fortis bellator 14 8 349.0k
RIFF, Honey Fingers, TILINES ALBIONICOS, fortis bellator 12 4 84.5k
TOYS, azs, LHDA, D e s p r o f i t y, los caballeros de la sonbra, fortis bellator 11 3 218.7k
LHDA, SPAIN GANKERS, Nameless Brotherhood, los caballeros de la sonbra, TOKYO MANJ1, Albion online 2, Mas Respeto, Los Toros Negroos, fortis bellator 16 16 478.5k
RIFF, TOYS, U n k n o w, Albion online 2, The Black Dragons BR, fortis bellator, Valnor, Echoes of Chaos, TOKYO MANJ1 11 11 111.8k
1932, BMECT, BHood, La Orden del_Fenix, SECT0R Z, fortis bellator 13 6 83.2k