ERREI, PTC, D33P, SWA7, C0C, 5K, VGL, BAB3, 13BN, Lisa, Glass, TOR, Pour nous, INFUCION, Age OF Empire, Home_winter, the last soldiers, BOLIVIANOS DE ALTAMAR, Blessing of god, FlatDragon, AlbionLifes
D33P, BAB3, MIH, Coffe, C0C, CUYS, VIPP, 13BN, EOTM, ERREI, TOR, Blessing of god, Cavaleiros Espartanos, Red Is D3AD, Pour nous, Os Xexelentos, el dominio absoluto, ZEFIRO
13BN, BOBER, ERREI, BAB3, RESS, C4T, VGL, Coffe, ARCH, C0C, CHEF, Lisa, TOR, CUYS, Pour nous, Age OF Empire, the last soldiers, los pipones, GANGULIKI, Blessing of god, Hitsquad
BOBER, TECHT, R1NG, PAIS, WDNMD, CHINO, 0709, BAB3, PVPME, GOIN, Coffe, C0C, LVUP, SKOLT, LEBEN, PTC, LAT, BURR0, OMNE, 1939, M E U D E U S, Pete Party, R A D I A N T, MonkeyPush, IS MY STATIC, Pour nous, Nuevo Reino, SECT0R Z, BLACK----MONEY, De Voluntate Fratrum, N E W HEAVEN, Prince Golden Dragon, Cruzada Br